Flight Testing your Aircraft before and after
Vortex Generators
Flight Testing Conditions
For dependable results all flight testing must be done in calm, stable air – this means at first light in the morning before any thermal activity.
For comparisons always flight test with same weight, at the same altitude, and close to the same temperature.
Preferably select a time when the weather is looking stable for a couple of days (ie- a large high pressure cell spreading over your area).
First Calibrate your ASI
This is an essential test for every aircraft – the results might surprise you!
Select an early morning with no noticeable wind.
Fly a 4-way GPS course, with the legs 90º apart, long enough on each leg to get a good stable reading.
Maintain the same indicated airspeed for all four legs.
Carefully observe the GPS for an average and consistent ground speed on each leg.
Average the GPS readings from the four legs.
Repeat for other chosen airspeeds.
Write it all down!
Note - The ASI will read lower than the True Air Speed (TAS) as altitude increases. A convenient approximate correction is 1.75% of the Indicated Air Speed (IAS) multiplied by the height in thousands of feet. For example, at 80kts IAS the ASI will read about 3kts lower than TAS at 2000ft.
Climb and Glide tests
It’s quite astounding the number of fliers who haven’t even established the best climb and glide speeds for their aircraft by flight test. When the engine stops for real some day, the overwhelming tendency will be to fly slower than needed – these flight tests will demonstrate how much is lost if you err that way.....
Essential to be conducted early, early morning before any thermal activity.
Even slight turbulence will give false and inconsistent results!
Select a BASE altitude (eg. 2000ft AGL) and TOP altitude 1000ft higher.
Begin a full throttle climb well below BASE altitude and stabilise climb speed to approx 15kts above predicted best rate of climb speed.
Time the climb from BASE to TOP altitude.
Repeat test at 5kt decreasing intervals to approx 10kts above stall.
Begin an idle descent well above TOP altitude and stabilise.
Time the glide from TOP to BASE altitude.
Use the same speed intervals as used in climb tests, plus whatever slower speeds the aircraft will maintain with stability.
It’s important to maintain a steady airspeed for the duration of each run.
To maintain that steady speed learn to watch the aircraft attitude to the horizon rather than fixate on the ASI.
Ensure that the throttle remains firmly at the idle stop for glide runs.
Divide the recorded times (in seconds) into 60,000 to get feet/minute rates.
Stall Characteristics and Stall Speeds
At altitude, minimum 3000ft AGL, still air conditions:
Power Off Stall
Reduce power to idle and go into a glide at 1.3 x predicted stall speed.
Slowly ease the stick back so that the aircraft slows at approx 1kt/sec.
Do not fixate on the ASI - watch outside the aircraft to observe the attitude, and note changes in the ‘feel’ of the aircraft (buffeting, control forces, control response.........)
When the aircraft feels like it’s about to stall, ease the stick forward to recover, then slowly ease back until another stall is imminent, and then ease it forward again.
Keep ‘tickling’ the stall like this, deeper and deeper as you feel your way into it.
Keep doing this until the feeling of imminant stall is really familiar.
Take careful note of the characteristics of the pre-stall, stall, and recovery.
When you’re thoroughly comfortable with the ‘feel’ of these stalls, watch the ASI just enough to determine the indicated stall speed.
Do not fixate on the ASI, ignore GPS!
Repeat the test with flaps.
Write it all down!
Set power and trim to fly straight and level at 1.5 x stall speed.
Slowly ease the stick back so that the aircraft slows at approx 1kt/sec.
Repeat the stall tests and note the ‘feel’ of the aircraft, and the indicated stall speed.
Be prepared for a more abrupt stall and possible wing drop due to the prop torque effect.
Repeat the test with flaps.
Write it all down!
Always be ready to promptly drop the nose of the aircraft to recover.
Resist the impulse to use aileron input at stall, especially if a wing drops!
Resist the impulse to use full power to recover from a full stall – very unpredictable!
Do not pull the nose up suddenly into an accelerated stall, or stall at full power – those are tests that need far more caution – see FAA circular AC 90-89.
When it does finally touch down glance at the ASI.